Flowers of the Field


Today would be Greg Kniffin's 56th birthday.  Tomorrow'd be Mary's 60th.  Flowers of the field...


Here's something to consider.  All of the following statements could be true:

  1. The "other guy" may have said all of the dumb-ass things he's reported to have said.
  2. The police may have rushed their investigation and they may not have done due diligence by eliminating other suspects.
  3. Jim Chaffee may not have given Thomas adequate representation.
  4. AND Ralph Thomas murdered Mary and Greg.
And, yeah, I realize there's a lot of "But-what-abouts" that can raised in objection.  "But what about Vivian Cercy's testimony?"  Vivian Cercy claimed to have seen Mary near Rainbow Village with Greg and the "other guy" around the time Mary was riding around Berkeley in a van with others, including Ralph Thomas.  And there's the "But what about all the conflicting claims Weston Sudduth made during the interviews with Payne Lindsey?"  Has anyone listened to the raw audio from those interviews or the raw audio from the other interviews given to Lindsey?*  What about that raw audio?  Did Lindsey talk to anybody who spent time with Mary while she was in California?  What about friends she stayed with in Santa Cruz or those who met her at Greyhound Rock?  What about friends in Berkeley or San Francisco?  Did Lindsey try to talk to those who investigated the murders, like Dan Wolke or Fred Eihl?  What about the police?  If Weston Sudduth lacks credibility, then there's good reason to believe that Lindsey does too.

*For example, did Dave Kohn talk to Lindsey about how he lived in a communal house with Jim Bowen in '86?  The court documents report that he did:

"At the time of petitioner's trial, Kohn was a teenage Deadhead known as "Alabama Dave." Rec. 11(f) at 360. He came to California in February 1986 to attend a Grateful Dead concert. Soon after his arrival, he moved into a communal house in Chico with James Bowen and others. Id. at 363." (Thomas v. Wong, p. 21)

The edited audio from the Kohn interview suggests Bowen was living down around Santa Cruz when Alabama Dave met him, but the court documents suggest something different.  Or perhaps they give added detail?  We don't know.

Anybody'd like to clear this up for me?


  1. First, I agree with your statements above. All of those things could be true. Sadly we will probably never really know with any real certainty.

    I can answer the last few questions you asked. I went to Chico after the Feb HJK shows 2/8/86 to 2/14/86. I stayed in an apartment with several people including Bo for about two weeks before heading back to the east coast. After I returned I spent about 10 days maybe less living in and around Santa Cruz with Bo. I would guess that would have been late April and early May.



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